Who I am…
I am a wife, mother, author, speaker, and Certified Professional Life and Empowerment Coach specializing in Wife Coaching and Victory Coaching. I was born to a teenage mom that had the courage to give me life despite the odds. Born prematurely, I learned early in life to fight. As your coach, I will have that same tenacity and fight to see you succeed. It’s not the cards you were dealt that determine your future, but how you choose to play the hand. Victory is not given it is won.
What I Have Accomplished...
“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
-Eleanor Roosevelt
Upon Graduation from Buford High School, I went to Fort Valley State University and graduated with honors with a Business Management Degree. It was there I developed a relationship with God beyond just going to church on Sunday Mornings. I have taken several classes at a local seminary during my years of ministry. In 2003, I preached my first sermon and in 2008, I was ordained. I have taught countless Bible Studies, children’s ministry classes, women’s groups, and assisted many Pastors as their personal assistant. In January 2015, my first devotional book in the A Victor’s Heart Series was released. In 2016, I became the CEO of Cassandra Williams Enterprises. In 2017, I received my Coaching Certification from Dream Releaser Coaching in Atlanta. In 2018, the final book in the A Victor’s Heart Series was released, Overcoming Identity Theft. I thought I would take a break but like many of you, there was a shift. In 2019, there was a call back to her original mandate… equipping women to be wise wives that know how to build their homes and not tear them down with their hands. Just like that Wise Wives Build was formed. To date, there is an activity journal, a book entitled Redemption, a Clubhouse & Facebook Community, a membership, and lots of coaching services. In 2021, I became a certified SYMBIS (Save Your Marriage Before It Starts) Facilitator where I get to help couples build healthy foundations in their marriage.
What I Believe…
An expert or authority is not always the person with plaques and degrees covering the walls, but the one that has paid the price of living through the blood, sweat, and tears to carry the message.
The human spirit, much like water, is very resilient. Although it runs into obstacles, it chips away at them to become something beautiful.
We are all imperfectly perfect. Your past does not have to determine your future.
Everyone has an inner genius that is waiting to be released, but you have to do the work.
A ring does not make you a wise wife. You could just be a girl with a ring.
What I Enjoy…
Along with running Cassandra Williams Enterprises, I enjoy spending time with my family and sharing God’s love in the community through outreach. A portion of all sales is given to organizations to help make a difference in the lives of others. I was gifted with a unique and practical style that appeals to all ages. One of my favorite quotes is “change is found just outside your comfort zone.” My desire is not for people to be just hearers but doers that they may be healthy, happy, and whole in every area of their lives.
What I Do…
Empower people, especially women, to let go of their old mentality and live in victory by dealing with the past, embracing where you are now, and moving forward.
Equip people to repair the breaches (holes) in their life to break cycles.
Encourage people to see things from all perspectives so they can effectively resolve conflicts.
Train wives (married or Esthers in Waiting) to use practical tools and techniques to build healthy husbands, children, business, ministries, and lives for themselves.
Signature Speaking Topics…
Where’s Daddy? - This talk helps women deal with the emotions they have carried around for years because they longed for the love of their father. Whether he was just absent, incarcerated, or died unexpectedly the feelings of anger, rejection, abandonment, and sadness are the same.
Proverbs 31 Woman - Who said you can’t have it all? This lesson uses Proverbs 31 as the backdrop for the Godly character we need as businesswomen and Wise Wives that are ready to build healthy families.
The Power of Forgiveness - Women are carriers by nature. Our bodies can carry a baby for 9 months and then we carry them in our hearts. Unless we learn how to release, we carry hurt, pain, and disappointment in the same way. During this discussion, we explore different ways to process through forgiving yourself, others, and God.
Goal Setting & Vision Board Creation - This workshop helps you take all the ideas swirling around in your head and place them on paper. Those ideas are then turned into smart goals and a vision board that will keep you focused and motivated.
Overcoming Identity Theft - Sometimes you can lose yourself in the midst of life’s challenges or helping others. This lecture helps you put safeguards in place to ensure that you are not taken advantage of or giving away your birthright ever again. People will continue to do whatever you allow.
A Victor’s Heart - This one is for the fighters. You may not be the strongest or the fastest, but you have the tenacity of the bulldog. Once you set your eyes on a goal you will not stop until you see it to completion. Whether something happened to you, you made a bad choice, or you were led on a journey, you can come out victorious.