Jackson walked in with a huge smile on his face. He gave Janet a kiss and placed something on the counter. He watched intently as her eyes focused on the little blue box. She looked up at him as he beamed with pride. It didn’t matter what was inside she understood its value with one look.
Over the last few months, I have had people stop me mid-sentence. I could have gotten angry and told them how rude they were, but I try to remain teachable. I needed them to confront my words and mindset in that moment. It wasn’t personal. They saw something I didn’t see. When I talked about the things God has placed in my hands, I often used the word little or small.
The packaging speaks for itself.
It’s just a little book.
I have a small group of ladies that I am working with.
My little company…
My little marriage and family.
Does any of that sound familiar? In the context of billions of people in the world, it is easy to limit the value of one thing compared to another. We see it everyday with shoes, purses, cars, spouses, children, and the list can go on and on. The comparison trap… why can’t we just stand in our own light and shine like that Tiffany’s box knowing how valuable we are. No one ever looks at the box and says, “man that’s small.” Their eyes light up and some may even jump up and down before opening it. It’s reputation speaks for itself.
So what about the people that have got the box and put something of lesser value inside? In the Bible I am reminded of the story of the fig tree. Jesus saw the leaves and by all indication their should have been figs on the tree. When he found none, he cursed the tree. Please don’t think people get away with being deceptive. They ae eventually deceived themselves or have to pay some for of restitution for their lies.
They opened my eyes to a bigger picture. There has never been anything small about me. From my forehead to my weight. I have always been larger than others. So why would I try to shrink down now… blend in and hide if you will. No one ever looks at an elephant and says he’s small even if it is just one standing alone. His presence is massive and so is yours
What am I saying? It’s time for you to stand in your light and shine. You are valuable and have work to do. No matter how many mistakes you have made or how long it has taken you to get to this moment. You are here, so go blaze your trail. Truth be told, YOU are the next big thing! You are more valuable than any blue box.