Today was a day of new.  Instead of doing a live broadcast, I hosted a watch party of an older broadcast.  It was talking about understanding that we are the clay, not the potter.  God is very aware of what he intends for us to be.  As the comments began to come through, they began to talk about

  • How God’s hands are so sensitive that he can feel the smallest particle or imperfection and remove it as you go.

  • How everyone wants to be a bowl, plate, or cup but we also need forks and spoons.

  • When you gather all the right pieces you can end up with a beautiful set, even if they don’t match.

I began to think about how many times I wanted people to be like me.  Think like me. Live like me but maybe that was not their purpose in life.  A fork will never do what a bowl can.  Sure, it can hold food but the capacity is very different.

One of the first things we add to our home or bridal registry is a good set of dishes for special occasions. Sometimes these sets come with more pieces than you know what to do with.  Like going to a fine dining restaurant where you have a regular fork, salad fork, spoon, soup spoon, and after each course they bring you more silverware.  Every piece has a purpose.

The same is true for the people in your life.  They each have a purpose.   

The Bible says in Ephesians 4:16

from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.

How many times have we gotten frustrated with our spouse, children, coworkers, church members/pastors, because we are expecting them to do and be something that they were not created to be?  How many times have you longed for someone to promote you that only sees you as a follower?  How many times have you misunderstood your mate because your expectation was different from their current purpose?

What do I mean?

Have you ever seen those creative people that can take a pitcher and turn it into a vase or spoons into a mirror? You may be thinking… look I just need you to do your job, but it has another purpose of becoming something more.  Maybe your spouse or even you are not functioning the way you desire, but maybe it can be something better if you just open yourself to more.

I do not know about you, but I desire the perfect (mature, purposeful, God-ordained) set for my life even when it doesn’t look exactly like I want it to.

vase pitcher.jpg
spoon art.jpg