


One day you wake up and feel like it is all a BIG FAT LIE! How did I fall for all those lies? Why did I stay so long? What am I going to do now? Your heart is beating so fast in your chest that you can barely catch your breath. Then that still small voice whispers between your tears. “TRUST ME.”

Every marriage will not be saved but for those that will… Ask yourself these questions before you leave.


Marry well is a statement little girls are told often, especially in some countries and cultures. It generally pertains to finances or social status. They are groomed to look for certain qualities and discard the rest. Recently, I had a situation arise and I went to God. His only response was, ”You heard what I said.”

I went on with my day, however, my emotions from the week got the best of me. When my husband came home, I talked to him briefly about my day and fell asleep. When I woke up, he was on his phone hard at work. By noon, he had taken care of my issue. He came through in a BIG way.

That night, as I reflected, I heard marry well. Those words hit differently at that moment. He wasn’t a multi-billionaire or the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, but I was proud to be his wife. Why? Because he could check the following boxes:

  • Make sure he can support not only you but the dreams God has given you.

  • Make sure he can pray you through a storm and cover you in battle.

  • He may not be perfect, but make sure his heart is pure towards you.

  • Make sure you can grow together. He may not have the drive today but with the right environment and timing, he can bloom.

Sis, make sure you don’t talk yourself out of your good thing… Marry Well!

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